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Profil für caringsupport


Allgemeine Informationen
Name: caringsupport
Registriert am: 16.02.2022
Geburtsdatum: 6. September 1995
Zuletzt Online: 16.02.2022
Geschlecht: keine Angabe

Homepage: https://canvas.instructure.com/eportfolios/921219/Home/caringsupport



Connecting Caregivers with Healthcare Employers
The dedicated healthcare employment platform transforming the way people search for healthcare candidates.

Finding the right match has never been easier!

Caring Support serves as a central resource for caregivers and healthcare organizations to easily connect and communicate, accelerating and simplifying the hiring process while saving time and money.

The Story Behind the
Caring Support Platform

The Caring Support Platform is the brainchild of a handful of individuals who believed that they could help the healthcare system by providing a platform that matches caregivers (including PSWs, RNs, RPNs, and volunteers) to healthcare organizations.

The idea began as a simple job matching site to help take the stress out of finding a new job. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the need for caregivers by healthcare organizations became very public and clear that something needed to be done. This hit some of the Caring Support team members close to home and they realized that this was the perfect time to create a helping hand

For months, the team put in long hours, all while having other full-time jobs, building the platform in order to roll out the first phase in time for the world to use to help combat COVID-19.

The team focused research and development into a platform that would ensure healthcare organizations can quickly and easily search for healthcare workers using niche fields tailored to location and industry as well as cope with COVID-19. An important aspect that the team wanted to ensure was that the burden of searching for a new job was not placed on the healthcare worker, but instead by letting their profile on the Caring Support platform do all the heavy lifting.
Connecting, streamlining, caring.

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